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Gotisc spræc

Fram Wikibooks

Seo Gotisce spræc wæs Eastgermanisc spræc. For þæm þe heo wæs gamol Germanisc spræc wæs heo wel gelic Englisce.

Heo hæfþ þreo grammatisc gecynd, fife casus, tu rim (on forman and oðeres hades benamum eac hæfde þridde rim - twifealdlic, swa swa on Englisce), strange and weoce weorcworda gebigednessa, and hwæthwega manigfealdlicran weorcworda gebigednessa þonne hie on Englisce.

Heo is seo ane Eastgermanisce spræc mid greatum rime gewrita giet on þissum dagum - ac heo næfþ nean swa manig gewritu swa Englisc oþþe Norðisc.

Heo hæfþ anlic stæfræwe gelic þære on Crecisc. Þa stafan cunnon eac tacnan rim. Heo is þus:

Gotisc stæf Englisc efenweorþ Rim
𐌰 A 1/i
𐌱 B 2/ii
𐌲 Ȝ/G (swa on "gold", ne swa on "geard") 3/iii
𐌳 D 4/iiii
𐌴 É 5/v
𐌵 Cw/Q 6/vi
𐌶 S (swa on "risan", ne swa on "swa") 7/vii
𐌷 H 8/viii
𐌸 Þ/Ð (swa on "þing", ne swa on "feðer") 9/viiii
𐌹 I 10/x
𐌺 C/K (swa on "cunnon", ne swa on "cild") 20/xx
𐌻 L 30/xxx
𐌼 M 40/xxxx
𐌽 N 50/l
𐌾 Ȝ/G (swa on "gear", ne swa on "gold") 60/lx
𐌿 U 70/lxx
𐍀 P 80/lxxx
𐍁 90/lxxxx
𐍂 R 100/c
𐍃 S 200/cc
𐍄 T 300/ccc
𐍅 Ƿ/W 400/cccc
𐍆 F 500/d
𐍇 C/h (swa on "Crist") 600/dx
𐍈 Hw 700/dxx