Wicigeonga Cildrum Englisc:Bīnaman

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^ Cildrum Englisc ^ (ādihtan)
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Hwæt sind bīnaman/forenaman?

In grammaticcræfte, sind forenaman ǣlc word þe stendeþ fore sumum naman.

Word swā ic', þū, hwilc, and ǣghwā sind forenaman. Bīnaman brȳcþ man swā þæt þu ne wrītst þæt ilce word on ǣlcum stede in cwidum. Cyning is wealdend in his cynedōme - hē is wealdend. Wer is hē (fæder, sunu, brōðor,...). Cwēn is hēo (mōdor, sweostor, dohtor,...), and swā forþ (asf).

Hū brȳcst þu forenaman in cwidum?

Ānfealdlīce! Man wrīteþ forenaman on stede sumes naman, swā þæt þu þæt word ne tō fela sīða wrītst:

Cyning is on his setle. Hwæs setl? Þæs cyninges. Mīn fæder is in ūserum hūse. Hwæs fæder? Mīn. Hwæs hūs? Ūsere.

Mid twǣm lēodum:

  • Ic and mīn brōðor sind in cirican. Hwā? Wit sind in cirican.
  • Þu and þīn sweostor sind mid ēowrum fæder. Hwā? Git sind mid him.

Mid þrim oþþe mārum lēodum:

  • Ic, mīn brōðor, and mīn mōdor sind in cirican. Hwā? sind in cirican.
  • Þū, þīn brōðor, and þīn sweostor sind innan bordes. Hwā? sind innan bordes.
  • Hē and his gebrōðru sind ūtan bordes. Hwā? Hīe sind ūtan bordes.

Man findeþ syndrig cynn bīnamena, and nū sprecaþ wē þǣrymbe:

Mennisce bīnaman

Mennisc bīnaman sind gebrȳced on stede namena (mann, stede, dēor, þing), oftost gebrȳced.

Se sprecere brȳcþ ic on cwidum. Hwā wrīteþ? Iohannes sægþ, "Ic wrīte."

Gif se sprecere spricþ tō sumum menn, hē brȳcþ þu mid þǣm menn. Elizabeþ spricþ tō Iohanne. Hēo sægþ þu, and ascaþ "Wilt þu (Iohannes)?" And Iohannes sægþ, "Ic wille."

Gif se sprecere spricþ ymbe sumne þriddan mann, se sprecere brȳcþ . Hwā is his sunu? Þæt cild!